MANAAKI Care Pty Ltd

Establish and maintain a safe, stable and prosperous life-style

The word Manaaki is derived from the Maori word "Manaakitanga"

Manaakitanga is a traditional value that is hugely important to our people and is central to the philosophy behind our culture. It is the art of showing compassion and generosity towards others and to the land that surrounds us. These values form the core foundation of Manaaki Care and are held paramount when measuring our quality of care to our customers.

Our Goals

Our Goals

We are a customer-centred organisation, basing everything we do around the individual needs of our customers.

We aim to personally customise and tailor our support to suit your individual needs throughout your journey.

Our commitment to facilitating the wellbeing of our customers will always be held first and foremost to our overall quality of care strategy. 

Our Objectives

At Manaaki Care we are passionate with empowering and motivating you to live your best quality of life. We strive to provide quality customer-centred care holistically to ensure your ultimate wellbeing.

The team at Manaaki Care are experienced professional’s and will always work together to ensure that each and every customer is treated with respect, integrity, kindness and honesty. 

Our Objectives

Our Services

What we can provide

Assistance with social economic and community participation

We provide a comprehensive community support service to allow our customers to attend appointments, run errands and participate in community-based activities of your choice.

Assistance with daily life

We can provide you with in-home support to assist you with maintaining your independence such as Assistance with personal domestic activities, Assistance with self-care and Yard maintenance

Support coordination

Our Support coordinators have extensive experience in support coordination and put your goals first and foremost. We are focused on developing your capacity to understand your NDIS plan, develop your self advocacy skills and get value for money when it comes to supports.

Increased social and community participation

Our Team can assist you to develop your independent living skills in both your home and in the community. We are experienced, working collaboratively with therapeutic providers for the purpose of supporting your independence.

Supported independent living (SIL)

We provide SIL support to customers in their own home. We strive to support individuals to live independently in their own home for as long as desired.

Registered nursing supports

Experience in general medical assistance, incontinence, diabetes management, PEG feed, bowel care, SPD & IDC catheter care, dementia care and customer care plans.


As part of our assistance with social, economic and community participation we provide transportation to compliment our service.

Short term accommodation (STA)

We can support you to create your own tailored short-term accommodation

Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations

Our Team can support you to build your capacity to be able to maintain your tenancy. We can assist with reporting repairs and maintenance to your real estate or Public Housing provider. Arrange supports or services to prepare you for an upcoming inspection. Assist you to apply for Public Housing, advise of changes in your circumstances and request transfers. In addition to, referring you to Housing specific advocacy services if required.

Why Choose Manaaki Care?

Manaaki Care is a registered NDIS service provider.  We are a boutique organisation where our priority is quality over quantity. Our focus is to deliver high standard services to your individual and personal wellbeing. You can be assured that your choices and goals will be respected.

Our passion is to encourage independence for those we support and to allow growth, freedom and choice while providing a safe, stable environment. 

Simply put, the satisfaction we get is defined, by our ability to support our customers to increase their capacity and achieve their highest level of independence.

Manaaki Care values the safety and quality of life of our customers.

Our team is experienced and qualified in disability and mental health industry.

You can be assured that all staff on our team have validated checks compliant with NDIS requirements. 

We handpick our staff to ensure their values align with our organisations mission, vision and values. We expect a high level of commitment and dedication to providing the highest quality and person-centred support from our team.

Get to know our team

We get to know you, so it’s only fair that you know us too!

Rangi Anna Maata

My name is Rangitakina Anna Maata, known as ‘Rangi.’

Born Te-Kuiti, I spent my early childhood being raised in a number of small communities in Northland, New Zealand.

At the age of 10, my family migrated to Australia. Realising that my future and that of my young family is now grounded firmly here in Australia, in 2020 I proudly became an Australian citizen.

I am very passionate and committed to helping others. Having lived experience with my own chronic conditions for the past 35 years and my strong work ethic in this domain has motivated me to make a difference.

Having explored the many sectors and multiple facets within this industry I know that this is where I am supposed to be, and this work is my life’s purpose.

I look forward to meeting with you and sharing your journey with our Manaaki Care Whanau (Family)

Rangitakina Anna Maata
Home New - personal support


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Home New - personal support
Home New - personal support
Home New - personal support


Kind words from our delighted customer and supportive staff